4th path and the FGap

The 4thPath introduces a skills-first, upskilling-focused, and AI-powered alternative that prepares candidates through personalized development.

The FGap app serves as the core intelligence behind The 4thPath model, guiding candidates through their upskilling journey. F stands for Fulfillment, and through a mix of data, analysis and discussion, we work together to identify the gap in attaining the Fulfillment for a Path Seeker.

The F Gap - a measure of Fulfillment

The FGap framework helps candidates understand their Purpose, Values, Opportunities, Development, and Wellness—which aligns with the idea of a new, guided path to career fulfillment.

The FGap App’s Role

  • Baseline Fulfillment Assessment: Identify candidates' strengths and growth areas.

    • Purpose – Identifying and aligning with work that is personally meaningful and fulfilling.

    • Values – Ensuring that work and professional choices reflect personal ethics, beliefs, and priorities.

    • Opportunities – Expanding career possibilities, including leveraging AI, networking, and professional growth.

    • Development – Continuous learning, certifications, mentorship, and skill-building to stay relevant in evolving job markets.

    • Wellness – Maintaining a balance between career ambitions and personal well-being.

  • Personalized Upskilling Paths: Recommend AI-enhanced training, apprenticeships, and certifications.

  • Progress Tracking & AI Coaching: Guide users through their upskilling journey.

  • Employer Connections: Match candidates with companies offering skill-building job placements.

Start your analysis today!


Let us know you’re interested in taking the FGap Analysis.